Dan lives with his wife, Libby, in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Palmer Theological Seminary with his Master of Divinity in 2018. He now serves full-time as the Director of College and Young Adult Ministries with Church of the Good Samaritan in Paoli, PA on the campuses of Eastern University and West Chester University. He began his studies with Palmer Theological Seminary shortly after the institution moved to the American Baptist Missions Center in Valley Forge and was finishing his MDiv in a part-time capacity when the seminary joined the St. Davids campus in the fall of 2016.
Dan grew up American Baptist and has spent most of his adult life in the Episcopal Church. “I am intimately familiar with free church and liturgical traditions, both in their theology and history. Moreover, I am convicted that all streams of the Christian Tradition bring different emphases to the ecumenical table, and we need to listen and learn from each for what our home traditions may have neglected or not considered.” He believes Palmer, and the broader community of Eastern University, is one of the richest soils for nurturing these relationships, and that these relationships extend well past graduation.
The last several years have held many particular challenges for pastors and others in professional ministry. As the Seminary Storyteller and part of the CARES Alumni Chaplain Team, Dan is committed to sharing the richness of the seminary’s near century long story while companioning his fellow alumni towards the places where Christ’s resurrection work can be seen breaking through—into the ordinary of daily life.
“To follow the cruciform path is to take seriously the suffering and loss we experience as individuals and as institutions, while also clinging to the Hope that Christ has made a way forward into new life.”