All new Palmer Seminary students participate in an orientation which is specific to their program of study. All orientations include an introduction to Eastern University, Palmer Seminary, and the relevant degree program, greetings from the dean, and overviews of myEastern, Brightspace, Warner Library, and information about ID cards. The Orientation Coordinator coordinates on site and virtual orientation for all St. Davids / MDiv / MTS students and does so in conjunction with Student Assembly (SA). The Coordinator and SA provide refreshments and evening drop-in hours during the first week of classes. The Assistant Director of Openseminary coordinates an online orientation via Zoom for eMDiv and MPT. MTS Latino/a Ministries students participate in an orientation residency. (Residencies are in different cities around the world). DMin students participate in online orientation at the beginning of the fall semester for both the St. Davids and W.Va. Cohorts. More specific efforts to assist newly matriculated students in navigating the school are coordinated by Palmer's Academic Advising Coordinator.