With Palmer's dynamic Master of Theological Studies, students can choose concentrations in General Studies, Christian Counseling, or Biblical Studies and Theology. View concentration and curriculum information.

Some pursue this degree in response to God’s call for vocational application in government, advocacy, counseling and lay ministry within their own congregation, or for personal spiritual growth. Others pursue this degree to prepare for PhD studies.

Program Details

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Whole Gospel. Whole World. Whole Persons.

  • Whole Gospel: Demonstrate a biblically informed and theologically grounded commitment to a Holistic Gospel Witness. Activate a commitment to service in the church and community to minister to changing times.
  • Whole World: Develop the ability to engage in the reality and the theology of diverse communities; through a global context of the Christian tradition and intercultural understanding.
  • Whole Persons: Develop a hunger for lifelong spiritual formation and a commitment to fostering interdependent relationships.
“What I appreciated most about Palmer was the space to rethink the fundamentals of Biblical Christianity, which have been shaped sometimes more by culture than by the scriptures. Any educational experience should not just confirm, but challenge, and Palmer provided just such a “wrestling” arena!”

Linda Hytha, MTS '17