Palmer Seminary offers several accredited, flexible and context-specific degrees for students wishing to advance their theological and ministerial training.
Online Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Through the Openseminary approach, the Online Master of Divinity uses six key dimensions of church practice as windows through which biblical, historical, theological and contemporary issues are examined. Carefully selected foundational courses enable students to go deeper in the six dimensions of church practice. It is offered fully online or as a hybrid online and on-campus.
Online Master of Practical Theology (MPT)
The Master of Practical Theology is built around six church practices and designed for people in ministry. It offers an innovative and fresh approach to the teaching of Practical Theology. The course departs from the standard mode of theological curriculum, which is divided into the four areas of biblical studies, history, theology and practical/pastoral studies. Through the Openseseminary(TM) approach, the MPT uses six key dimensions of church practice as windows through which biblical, historical, theological and contemporary issues are examined. Knowledge of theory and practice is thus built up through an integrative inquiry that leads to new practical theological insights. It is offered fully online or as a hybrid online and on-campus.
Maestría en Linea en Ministerios Latinos/as
La nueva Maestría en Linea en Ministerios Latinos/as es un programa que se imparte totalmente en Español y capacita a las personas en el pastoreado y/o líderes de la Iglesia local a través de un plan de estudios que combina cursos de teología, Biblia y práctica del ministerio. El programa esta contextualizado a las necesidades de las comunidades Latinas. Este programa totalmente acreditado y de 36 horas crédito se imparte en grupos de 20 estudiantes cada uno. El próximo año académico (2016–17) iniciaremos con tres grupos : un grupo en el centro de México con estudiantes procedentes del D.F. y regiones aledañas; otro en los Estados Unidos con estudiantes que residan en este país: y otro en el noroeste de México con estudiantes de Mexicali, Baja California, México, y regiones aledañas. El programa se cursa en dos años.
The new Online MTS in Latino/a Ministries program is taught in Spanish and prepares people in pastoral ministry and/or church leadership through a series of courses in the areas of biblical studies, theology and practice of ministry in a manner that is contextualized to the needs of Latino/a communities. This 36 credit program is delivered in cohorts of 20 students each with three cohorts the next academic year (2016-17): a cohort of students from Mexico City and surrounding areas, a cohort of students residing in the U.S., and a cohort of students northeast of Mexico from Mexicali, Mexico and surrounding areas. The program is completed in two years.