
"What I appreciated most about Palmer was the space to rethink the fundamentals of Biblical Christianity, which have been shaped sometimes more by culture than by the scriptures."


"The most unique and enjoyable thing at Palmer is the in-depth study and never ending remarkable discovery about the history of God and His creation. Seeing the mysteries of God unveiling with each book has placed the passion for God into a different place in my heart."


"Palmer has impacted my faith by directly and indirectly exposing me to people and ideas that are different than me/mine and my upbringing. In this the Lord, through Palmer, has brought both a depth and breath to my faith and understanding of Him."


"The community at Palmer—students, faculty, and staff—was the best part of the experience for me. The camaraderie of fellow students and support and guidance from faculty and staff made a huge impact."


"Palmer Seminary is full of institutional faith that I have been able to correlate to my personal, family and community life. I now better understand faith in God being called precious."


"I feel challenged to live my faith to the full, stretching into new areas of ministry. Conversations and friendships with my classmates have also shown me new ways of living out faith in all of my life decisions."