Mathew D. George
Mathew D. George resides in Huntingdon Valley, PA with wife Jesly, and their four children, Nathan, Eden, Elizabeth, and Bethany. Mathew felt the call to ministry at a very young age and graduated from the University of Valley Forge in Phoenixville, PA (B.R.E, '00). He further pursued his studies and graduated from Palmer Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 2004. Mathew has served in various ministry roles including as a youth pastor, church planter, and most recently as the lead pastor of the Levittown Church of God in Levittown, PA. Mathew is credentialed as an Ordained Bishop of the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) as well as the District Overseer of Church of God churches in Philadelphia. Along with parish ministry, Mathew worked in the field of chaplaincy from 2003-2023 and currently serves as the co-chairman of the Pennsylvania Church of God State Council as well as on the Board of Directors of Peniel Treatment Center in Johnstown, PA.
Genuine relationships, authenticity, and grace are significant attributes Mathew strives for; "More often than not, people find themselves in broken places, in need of healthy relationships, and connect with genuine people." Currently, Mathew is in the dissertation phase of a PhD degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Eastern University. Palmer and Eastern are close to Mathew's heart and he believes that his journey through both has nurtured him to live out the gospel message in holistic ways in a broken world; "The world needs good news, and there's none better than the gospel of Jesus Christ."