R. Allan Copenhaver
Allan is a native of southern West Virginia. He served as pastor of First Baptist Beaver from 2003-2010. He then pastored Sutton Baptist Church from 2010-2018. Allan currently serves as the pastor of The Baptist Temple in Fairmont.
He began working with the seminary in January 2014 as a recruiter for the WV program. His role expanded to program director in 2017. Allan also serves as an adjunct instructor for both our M.Div. and D.Min. programs.
Allan is married to his college sweetheart, Rose, and they have three children: Allison, AJ, and Addison.
D.Min.: Palmer Theological Seminary
B.A.: Concord University
Introduction to Graduate Level Writing (DMin)
Congregational Transformation (DMin)
Church Renewal and Evangelism (MDiv)
Poverty in Appalachian Context (MDiv)