Andrew and Karen Bush have served for more than thirty years internationally in Christian mission in the Philippines and Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Presently, Andrew is the founding director of the Bethlehem Center for Global Peacemaking and Justice in Bethlehem, the Palestinian Territories. Previous to this Andrew was the chair of the Department of Global Studies and Service at Eastern University. Andrew has authored numerous articles, and books including Learning from the Least: Reflections on a Journey in Mission with Palestinian Christians (Wipf & Stock, 2013) and his most recent, Millennials and the Mission of God: A Prophetic Dialogue (Cascade Books, 2017). Andrew holds post-graduate degrees from the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise in Jerusalem and from Princeton Theological Seminary. Andrew speaks widely in churches, universities, and conferences. Karen serves in trauma recovery and holds an MSW degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
DMin. (Missiological Studies)- Princeton Theological Seminary, 2004.
Dissertation: “A Study of the Experience of Palestinian Christian Students in Inter-Faith Discussion.”
Diplôme Elevé Titulaire, Honors Ecole Biblique et Archéologique, Jerusalem, Israel 2000.
M. A. (Theological Studies) Honors Alliance Biblical Seminary, 1998.
B. A. (Architecture) Princeton University, 1976.
Research Options for Pastoral Leaders (DMin)
Church Renewal and Evangelism
Christian World Missions
General: Missiology and related disciplines
Specific: World Christianity and the changing aspects of Western missions; Christian and Muslim engagement; spirituality and missions.
International Association for Mission Studies
Evangelical Missiological Society
Society of Professors of Missiology
American Society of Missiology
“How Evangelism Hurts” (Chapter 1) in When Evangelism Hurts, Eerdmans Publishing Co., Soong-Chan Rah, editor. For release Spring 2020.
Millennials and the Mission of God: A Prophetic Dialogue, Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2017.
Learning from the Least: Reflections on a Journey in Mission with Palestinian Christians, Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2013.
“Kenosis of Christ and the Redefinition of Nationalism and Reconciliation in Israel/Palestine,” (chapter) in Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship, Wonsuk Ma and Kenneth Ross (eds.). Regnum Books, Oxford, 2013.
“Mission in Conflict Zones.” The Anabaptist Witness, April 2019.
Book Review, Kenneth Nehrbass, God’s Image and Global Cultures: Integrating Faith and Culture in the Twenty-First Century, On Knowing Humanity Journal, Eastern University, Volume 1, 2017.
Book Review, Todd M. Johnson and Cindy M. Wu, Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World, Christian Scholars Review, Volume XLV, Number 2 (Winter 2016)
“Mission and the Palestinian Diaspora.” Evangelical Missiological Quarterly, September 2015
“The Surprise of the Mission of God.” Anabaptist Witness. Vol.2 Issue 1, April 2015.
“Bullets and Bibles: The Unhealthy Marriage of Missions and Militarism.” PRISM, Palmer Seminary, Fall 2010
“The Implications of Christian Zionism for Mission.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research, July 2009.