"Whatever else we may do or be, Christians are called to be witnesses: to tell the truth clearly, coherently, completely, and winsomely about what we have seen and experienced. Our Writing and Research program supports this endeavor within the contexts of seminary and church, because we believe that clarity and coherence are central to our mission."
Dr. Deborah Watson serves as Associate Pastor of Narberth Presbyterian Church in Narberth, PA, where she began as a seminary intern in 1993. Prior to her seminary study, she taught French and English as a Second Language to high school students in New Hampshire. Debbie also spent time studying and working in Paris, France and on a kibbutz in Israel.
Debbie has taught at the Seminary since 1995, first as an adjunct, and now as affiliate professor in the areas of New Testament, New Testament Greek, Greek Exegesis, and Theological Research & Writing. Debbie also serves as the Seminary’s Chaplain, providing pastoral support to individuals in the Seminary community, as well as coordinating weekly Chapel services.
Ph.D. (Theology): University of Durham (U.K.)
M.Div.: Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
M.T.S. (Biblical Studies): Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Diplôme (Langue et Civilisation): Université de Paris, La Sorbonne
B.S. (Elementary Education): Gordon College
New Testament Study 1
The General Epistles
Introduction to New Testament Greek
New Testament Greek Exegesis
The Least of These: Responses to Poverty in Scripture
A Guide to Seminary Writing
Holy Land Study Tour
The call of Scripture to care for those members of the community who cannot care for themselves became the focus of Debbie’s dissertation, “Paul’s Collection in Light of Motivations and Mechanisms for Aid to the Poor in the First Century World.” Since its completion in 2006, she has taught classes on “Wealth and Want in Scripture” and “The Least of These: Aid to the Poor in the First Century and Today.” The theme of care for people in need continues to captivate Debbie, and to inform her teaching and ministry.
Society for Biblical Literature
Institute for Biblical Research
American Association of Teachers of French