Grace and Peace Palmer Family and Friends,
Earlier this month, Palmer Seminary of Eastern University hosted its third Palmer Consultation: Conversations on Church and Community. We praise the Lord for the 1,300+ viewers whose hearts were pricked, minds were challenged, and spirits were stirred. This forum follows Black History Month's Mitchell Lecture and provides a forum for meaningful discussions on important issues facing the Church. The theme was When Normal No Longer Exists: Constructing New Paradigms for Pulpit and Pew.
Rev. LaKesha Womack, Founder of #RethinkingChurch Strategies & Executive Director of the Rethinking Church Foundation, was the plenary speaker who challenged us from Isaiah 43:19 which begins, "See, I am doing a new thing." She implored us to change our mindset about leadership, language, love, and location. To hear her message, go to the event livestream. Also, you may view the digital program of the event.
A distinguished group of scholars, pastors, and thought leaders served as panelists on this year's topics:
- Rethinking a Ministry of Presence: Cultivating Community in Virtual Spaces
- Filling the Storehouse: Resourcing Congregations in Times of Crisis and Change
- Priorities for the Public Square: Focused Action for Congregations & Communities
- What’s the Word? Preaching through Times of Crisis & Beyond
Many thanks to Rev. Dr. Phaedra Blocker and Rev. Dr. Marsha Brown Woodard for their planning of this impactful forum. Well done! We also thank Dr. Eva Ragwan, Ms. Sanovia Garrett, and Ms. Susan Yavor for their important contributions behind the scenes.
Glory to God!
Blessings to you in abundance!
Rev. Dr. Kimberlee A. Johnson
Interim Dean, Palmer Theological Seminary & College of Eastern University