Palmer People: The New Director of CARES Wants Your Voice to be Heard

Rev. Mathew D. George may have started as the Director of Alumni Care and Seminary Engagement (CARES) in August, but his relationship with Palmer and Eastern University runs deep. He was finishing his Bachelor’s of Religious Education at Valley Forge Christian College (now University of Valley Forge) in 2000 when he first met Steve Hutchinson, the admissions director for Eastern Baptist Seminary. “I didn’t know what I was being called to, but certainly felt that I was called,” Mathew says. “I thought maybe I would be a teacher at a Christian school.” Several of his professors encouraged him to pursue more education. 

Hutchinson was visiting campus on behalf of the seminary and invited Mathew to tour the EBTS campus in Wynnewood. Mathew recalls feeling at peace as Steve personally toured him around. “He would call me on the phone and remind me to complete my paperwork. That personal connection was central for me.” He completed his Master of Divinity in 2004, and felt the call to pastoral ministry in the local church. Mathew’s call to be a pastor led him through seasons of youth ministry, lead pastor roles, and hospital and hospice chaplaincy. He describes this as being a journey of formation and discovering his gifts. It was when he stepped into chaplaincy that Mathew saw the pieces coming together. “With the chaplaincy and being a parish pastor, I just felt so satisfied.” He was a chaplain in a part-time or full-time capacity from 2007 until 2023. Mathew returned to Eastern in 2021 to pursue his PhD. in Marriage and Family Therapy, and was drawn to the program’s blend of theology and psychology. Having completed three years, he is currently in the dissertation phase of the program.

As the Director of CARES, Mathew views his role as multidimensional. He sees his task as serving and caring for alumni while also becoming a voice for the alumni and seminary to the university at large. “When I meet with an alum, I want them to know that they’re heard and they’re valued. I want to cherish their Whole Person.” When asked what he envisions CARES could look like in five years, Mathew emphasizes his desire for CARES to be actively engaged in the community. He sees care for alumni and care for clergy to be two sides to the same mission. “We want to be a place where clergy can come and receive.” He hopes to see the Center expand its reach and become a space that offers holistic care for clergy throughout the area and online, and it will be care that is for mind, body, and spirit. He envisions groups for everything from trail-running to support groups for trauma or challenging situations for clergy facing church dynamics.

Ultimately, Mathew seeks to ensure that everyone he encounters feels seen, heard, and valued, recognizing that each person brings something important to the table. “God is actively pursuing us in the valleys and on the mountain tops. The ministry is in the valley. He sees what you are doing. You have a voice. Let it be heard.”

About the Author

Daniel EdwardsDan lives with his wife, Libby, in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Palmer Theological Seminary with his Master of Divinity in 2018.  He now serves full-time as the Director of College and Young Adult Ministries with the Church of the Good Samaritan in Paoli, PA on the campuses of Eastern University and West Chester University. He also serves as a Chaplain and Seminary Storyteller for our Center for Alumni Care and Seminary Engagement.