Originally from South Korea, Dr. Stephen Kim has been teaching at Palmer since 2013, offering a wide range of Old Testament courses, from Old Testament Study and Biblical Interpretation for Ministry to book studies on Ecclesiastes, Wisdom Literature, Jonah, and Ruth. A linguist specializing in Semitic languages, he also teaches Biblical Hebrew and Hebrew exegesis. Outside of Palmer, Stephen is on the teaching faculty of eTeacher Online Language Academy in collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he teaches Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to students from all over the world.
Stephen is a member of Abington Presbyterian Church, where he regularly teaches an adult Bible class. In his spare time, his interest lies in exploring issues of justice, war, and peace from a biblical perspective.
Ph.D. (Biblical Studies and Cuneiform Studies): University of Pennsylvania
Th.M. candidate (Old Testament): Calvin Theological Seminary
M.Div.: Hapdong Theological Seminary, Suwon, Korea
B.S. (Civil Engineering): Yeungnam University, Gyongsan, Korea
Old Testament Study 1
Old Testament Study 2
Biblical Interpretation for Ministry
Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew Exegesis
Jonah and Ruth
Bible and Koran
Old Testament Wisdom Literature