About The Program
Supervised Ministries is happy to serve our West Virginia students in our oversight of both Theological Field Education (TFE) and Clinical Pastoral Care/Clinical Pastoral Education (CPC/CPE). These two programs are ministry internships bringing the understanding of the practice of ministry into structured reflection with a supervisor. Both internships are required for completion of the Master of Divinity degree. Review the At-A-Glance PDF and Theological Field Education Handbook for more information.
On these web pages you will find an introduction to and resources for our West Virginia TFE program, and learn about the CPC/CPE. Some of this information may be linked to other areas of the palmerseminary.edu website and provide program details for our Philadelphia area students as well. Please feel free to explore all of our Department sections as you have need.
Our hope is that you will find this information helpful as you proceed through your seminary experience at Palmer. For questions still remaining please contact us by email or by phone.
May God bless you as you grow in your understanding of your call and in your ministry skills through your internship experiences.
Keeping you in prayer as you embark on this journey.
- Rev. Dr. Marsha Brown Woodard
Contact Us
Rev. Dr. Marsha Brown Woodard
If you would like to learn more about the West Virginia program, please call 304-549-0271.